Thursday, 14 February 2013

Talking of talking...

This morning I tweeted:
"People should be banned from talking on public transport until 11am, my brain is still asleep. And mobile phones banned til midday".

I was infuriated! A woman in the seat across from me was on her phone for the entire duration of my morning commute. I can't imagine that the 'victim' on the other end of the phone was loving it, either, by the sounds of it they didn't manage to get a word in.
Some of my highlights of the exchange,
"Hello, HELLO, oh, I lost you for a second there",
"I have brought an extra sandwich today, I was hungry by 12 yesterday",
"I am just moving seats, I missed my stop last time I was on the phone... No! I said I am just moving seats... JUST MOVING SEATS, I MISSED MY STOP LAST TIME I WAS ON MY PHONE!!".

Surely this conversation could have waited? Or, better yet, not happened at all!!

If it hasn't become apparent already, I am not a morning person. I am still half asleep on my way to work. I want silence.

I enjoy talking. I would say I enjoy talking more than any other activity there is. However, there are places I don't like talking.
I hate people talking behind me in the queue for a cash machine. I despise it when people talk to me while I am eating, unless it's a 3 word or less review of their food, like "this is nice".

Mobile phone conversations infuriate me in almost all public places.

Talking in the cinema, strangely, doesn't bother me. Once, a group of friends and I went to see the remake of Friday the 13th, and we talked all the way through it, it made the film bearable.

The worst one, in my personal experience, is in nightclubs or at gigs. If somebody is dancing, they are clearly enjoying the music or song, DON'T GO OVER AND TALK TO THEM!! WAIT!! There will be a point when they aren't dancing, save your vital remark, review or question until then. Otherwise, they will see you as the type of person who talks to them while they are eating, and talking in a restaurant will have a negative affect of your relationship.

Happy Valentine's day everybody.